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Oct. 9 2015
Partnerships aid in promoting our products.We are doing things right. The Innovation Center for Dairy recently published the 2014 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Report and details the industry's efforts. The...
Sept. 15 2015
Sanitary feeding equipment is a vital part of the calf health equation, especially early in life. The equipment used to feed calves on your farm may look clean, but is it really? Oftentimes, there's more...
Aug. 27 2015
Illumination improvements yield energy and cost savings if you avoid common upgrade stumbling blocks. Incandescent. Compact fluorescent. Light emitting diode. Metal halide. From antiquated to efficient,...
July 8 2015
Enclosed spaces can be death traps. Farmers are busy people with a long list of tasks to complete and a shortage of daylight. However, a little extra time to think through a situation could save a life....
May 15 2015
Far from home, four U.S. milk producers made a strong connection with dairy marketers
March 3 2015
The steps you take before administering an animal health product play a large role in the treatment's effectiveness. In our animal care toolbox, vaccines and antibiotics are powerful instruments. These...
May 29 2014
Tractors hit the road with renewed vigor over the holiday weekend in America's Dairyland. As is the case in many dairy states with a cropping emphasis, the pressure is on to apply manure, work ground and...
March 12 2014
Garrett Oetzel, University of Wisconsin, presented "Cows and their calcium", in our Monday, March 10 webinar. For 30 years our presenter has studied the topic. With development of a new calf and the onset...
Dec. 17 2013
Heightened calf care can keep calves healthy and growing during winter weather. "This is the time of the year where we face the most challenges with raising calves," said Noah Litherland from the University...
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Dec. 16 2013
The more a cow produces, the lower its environmental footprint will be. Climate change has always occurred. Yet, the heating trend over the last decade has been outside the normal range. Humans and livestock...
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Sept. 20 2013
State Legislature unanimously passes resolution calling for an end to the federal ethanol mandate. Using food to make fuel has found a distasteful audience among California politicians. Last week, a resolution...
Aug. 15 2013
By utilizing by-products, the dairy industry has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of human food production. A staple in many dairy rations, by-products are seeing increased use as producers...
Dec. 3 2012
"Land values are currently like a well-stoked, blazing Friday night camp fire," explained Brent Gloy, director for Purdue's Center for Commercial Agriculture
Nov. 13 2012
Drought-stressed alfalfa fields need extra attention "Lack of water at optimal times cannot be made up later with additional rains or irrigation," said Dan Undersander, when discussing the state of alfalfa...
Oct. 15 2012
While the U.S. is a world superpower in being a consumer, we don't rule the oil market. The Wall Street Journal said this morning that government numbers show a 12 percent surge in U.S. crude oil production
Sept. 20 2012
Saturday night, our industry endured yet another tragic loss with the passing of a Northern Ireland dairy farmer and his two sons. The three died from effects of exposure to poisonous manure gases as sons...
Sept. 19 2012
The combination of scorching heat and drought conditions heightens the potential for silo gas during harvest. Late-season rainfall on drought-stressed corn in manured fields could produce higher-than-average...
Aug. 29 2012
On Monday, August 27, Hoard's Dairyman hosted a special webinar. With drought conditions affecting so much of the United States, the feed supply will be limited and for much of the country, the quality...
July 13 2012
Uh-oh, they're back. After a quiet enough spring, corn prices roared back to life this month and shot past $7 per bushel as scorching temperatures and dry skies withered fields in America's Heartland
June 22 2012
Put on your Star Wars T-shirt; this is a subject where one's imagination can run wild. Relatively speaking, genetic engineering is still in its infancy